Login FAQ

What is My Username?

Your Username to log into your account and the Members private area is your valid email address registered with our MCS Membership Secretary.

How do I update to a valid Email Address?

Go to Request or Update Valid Email Address> and fill in the Form to either update or request your email address from our Membership Secretary. You will need to provide your full name, birthdate and/or your Membership ID. A response cannot be sent instantly however you will receive a reply within 7 days.

How do I create a Password?

To set up a new password or change your password if you forget your current one, click on Forgot Password> and follow the instructions.

How can I create a Strong Password?

For Security purposes, a ‘strong’ password is required so you may need to give it a few tries. Adding a question mark or double figures to the end of your password helps create a STRONG password!

How can I apply to join MCS?

To join click on Apply To Join> and follow the instructions carefully.

I am a New Member?

If you have recently joined MCS, please allow time to process your payment and activate your subscription.

Please Do Not Share!

For Security remember not to share your Login Password with anyone.

Any Further Queries

Please go to Contact Us and send your query to the Membership Secretary in the drop down menu.